Dual Pull of the Mind

Jul 16, 2021
Mindfulness by Jared Rice

Two sides of a coin, two sides of the human mind..

Ahoy Sailor!
Do you see the cannon being shot?
To run or to stay, the question in mind,
Answer this way, for you are in grind.

The mind is at war,
The war is ever-ending, yet never-ending.
While it is Yes sometimes,
It is naught other times.

There is no incumbent, there is no permanence.
Life is but temporal, one might say.
The philosopher and the devil fight,
Day in and day out, Victor thy rise.

Philosophers deem their principles right,
Mind rules over matter,
Matter, thou must be present,
To make this sane philosopher right.

What is right and what is wrong?
The devil or the philosopher,
It all depends on You, my child.
The loving child of humanity.




I love Poetry, Technology and Photography. I believe they help me to explore the depth of thoughts and expression.